LINK IO is the home of computational design and digital innovation at LINK Arkitektur. IO refers to the binary system which computers are built on, storing data and performing calculations only using zeros and ones. IO might also refer to the two words input and output, representing our passion for data-driven processes and parametric design.
Computational design tools are the core of our design process and empower us to simulate multiple physical conditions and iterate through multiple design solutions to achieve the full potential of any project. Parametric models help us to ensure the sustainability concept and architectural vision are preserved throughout the entire process avoiding deterioration in quality due to incoherent and ineffective design processes.
Being at the forefront of digital development, we assist our customer to achieve the full potential of their developments with the highest possible profit and the lowest possible risk. By using parametric design, we are creating a better basis to design sustainable and healthy environments for people, while we at the same time are creating a better basis for decision-making at an early stage in the process, minimizing risk and increasing profits.
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We are a computational network within LINK Arkitektur that connects architects, computational designers, and data specialists from within different disciplines, to a powerful, competent and broad computational design community. As a network we are able to apply computational processes and effect-based design solutions to all our projects, thereby delivering high-quality sustainable architecture, that is profitable and meets the requirements of future generations. Rooted in local offices all over Scandinavia, we are solving tomorrow’s global challenges on a local level with the power of a big cloud of human experts.
As a dual operating system* we are devoted to the development and implementation of digital innovation, that uses an agile, network like structure. The dual operating system continually assesses the business, the industry, and the organization, and reacts with greater agility, speed, and creativity than the existing one.
* John P. Kotter
The world is now changing at a rate at which the basic systems, structures and cultures built over the past century cannot keep up with the demands being placed on them. Incremental adjustments to how you manage and strategize, no matter how clever, are not up to the job. You need something very new to stay ahead in an age of tumultuous change and growing uncertainties.
John P. Kotter
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